Planet Kräken
Print, Digital & Web

Planet Kraken is a Nautical club, Its origin is in Norway but now it operates in Hawaii. The owner is an experienced sailor that traveled the world and now retired from sailing and opened a club in Honolulu, opening this club was his life's dream.
It provides many services for tourists that want to explore the Nautical world. They sell their own subdividing gear, have a subdividing school, and organize amazing subdividing tours to the most beautiful under-the-ocean Hawaii locations.
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The owner is a big fan of mythology so he already had an Idea about the Kraken that we then combined with the planet to create Planet Kraken.

The logo was important to be simple enough so it can be placed on subdividing suits and other diving items. It shows the adventurist's mystical spirit that he wanted to show to tourists while they are exploring the deep Hawaiian ocean.

Ocean Blue
R=10 G=40 B=60
C=100 M=80 Y=20 K=15
Abyss Blue
R=10 G=40 B=60
C=100 M=80 Y=20 K=15
White Sand
R=10 G=40 B=60
C=100 M=80 Y=20 K=15

Client Feedback
"What a pleasure it was to work with Bogdan. He easily grasped our needs and nailed the creative in the first round, and you can tell he put thought into the designs. I recommend it 100%! Thank you, Bogdan, for such a good, refreshing working experience."